Dizzy Danny
For Ludum Dare #37
Dizzy Danny needs to leave the room, but he can only spin his way towards the door. Help spin him to the door without breaking anything.
Use left/right arrows to point him a direction. Hold the down key to build up speed, then release to spin him off.
Earn points by getting to the door quickly. Lose points by breaking vases.
Status | Released |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Author | XenosNS |
Made with | GameMaker |
Tags | GameMaker, Ludum Dare 37 |
Links | Ludum Dare |
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lol this is really cute
i kinda got into it and can't stop now :}
haha thanks!. Wish I'd had more time to work on it, maybe I'll try to flesh it out more later. Needs some kind of end game.